Sunday, October 19, 2008

apple crisp

On Friday night Joe and I bought some apples from a local farm.

Today I decided they needed to be turned into apple crisp (not an easy thing to photograph).

I've also been starting to play with RAW photos. I really really have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm having a lot of fun trying to figure it all out. Here's a photo of one of our cats, Maia.

And, I've been sick. I have had a terrible headache for the past few days. It's gone, but now I think I have an ear infection. All I want to do is sleep.


lera said...

The apples are pretty. I think I'm going to make crisp with our not-so-tasty apples tomorrow (if I can brave the basement).

Hope you feel better soon, Karyn.

Mary Sarah said...

It's apple time! I've been making little apple desserts for Stan and me. We've enjoyed them. I decided it's better than making a whole pie. Hope you're feeling better soon! Sleep is a good thing!

Pink Stitches said...

Oh no - sorry to hear you've been poorly! Plenty of sleep and apple crisp, those apples looks delice! :o)

Felicia said...

Beautiful kitty :) Food is so tough to photograph!

Mary and Bob said...

Apple Crisp rocks!! Did you have Vanilla Ice Cream with it? Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

felicakes said...

Mmmmm... apples. :*) Maia is gorgeous. I just love how cats get into a pose when they know that you are taking their photos.

Liz said...

How is playing with RAW going? I haven't even attempted it yet.