When I got home I was excited to see that my Clover Yo-Yo Flower Maker had arrived. I ordered mine from Etsy and it came from Japan. The packaging AND the instructions are all in Japanese. There are TWENTY-ONE steps in the instructions!!!!!!!!!!! I had no idea there was an English version. I just found that link. *sigh*
Anyways...since it's so hot out and I don't feel like doing anything I thought I'd try my new toy.
An HOUR AND A HALF LATER this is what I have:
One teeny tiny flower shaped yo-yo.
This is what it's supposed to look like:
I didn't even realize until I uploaded the picture that the little belly-button-like poof that the instructions bullied me into making was supposed to fill the hole and act like the centre of the flower. *sigh again*
I can't face attempting another yo-yo tonight.
I'm sure if the instructions had been in English and I wasn't hot and cranky it may have been more fun.
It's a very cute yo-yo. I love the floweriness.
Too bad it took so long. And that you have a headache. Was your carryout at least good?
I like it. It is disheartening that it took so long. Hope your headache gets better.
you silly! of course you would have got it perfect if it was in ENGLISH!
hope you are feeling better. and the yoyo looks so cute!! I wanted to make some but felt like it will be a challange to me.
Did you already know that the tightness or openness of the center of a yo-yo depends on the size of your stitches? If you didn't, try making a regular yo-yo with very small stitches and one with very big stitches and look at the difference.
I suspect that is why your yo-yo doesn't look like their photos. (Although I don't think there is anything wrong with the one you already have made, to be perfectly honest.)
It's very cute! I don't think I would have even attempted it without instructions in english:) Hope your headache goes away.
It's cute. You know, practice makes perfect. haha. I bet you'll get it on the next try, although I think the first one is very good!
Hope your head is feeling better, I didn't know it got that warm in Canada. hee hee
I'm sorry Karyn, but your yo-yo adventure made me chuckle!
An hour and a half? That's usually how my flower-making sessions go. Sorry. I usually come out of those feeling like I've wasted time. Let your brain process - it'll be easier the next time.
I haven't tried yo-yos because I'm a bit scared of them being too hard. Your flower looks cute. I'm sure you know that.
Well, heck, I didn't even know they made a Yo Yo Maker tool! I had to go look it up!
In my day (LOL) we just cut out a circle, stitched around the edges and pulled. But then it didn't have the petal look. And I find them to be a "tad" boring to make.
Hit it with a burst of steam and it will be perfect.
Hey Karyn, I actually wanted to ask you some questions about geocaching, but I dont see an email address for you here. Can you email me at daisykins514@yahoo.com ?
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