I think something to keep in mind is that the summer is typically a very slow time for retail stores in general. I'm sure that a Showcase spot in the end of November would be much more profitable than one in late June. I have another Showcase slot next week and after that I'm not going to worry about them anymore. IF I happen to get one in late fall, that's fine, but I think that Etsy made more more money than the sellers did from yesterday's Showcase spots.
So, if you have an Etsy shop and you are thinking about purchasing a Showcase slot I think I'd recommend it simply for the exposure, but maybe at a different time of year.
Moving on.
I made another stash busting bag this morning to celebrate my FIRST official day of summer holidays. I've finally used up that Liz Claiborne alphabet fabric (thank goodness). I am pretty happy with the bag, the straps were easier to sew than I imagined they would be. The hardest and most time-consuming part was actually wrapping my head around how to do the straps.
Notice that we are back to the fence photos. That doesn't make me happy but neither did the photos against the white door. There just wasn't enough light and the pictures weren't very clear.
Finally, these came in the mail today. Lisa from Polka Dot Creations and I had arranged a swap. Let me say this, I certainly got the better end of the deal. Look at what came wrapped in a beautiful box!! THREE of her beautiful polymer clay posies!!!!!!! Two are brooches and she kindly rigged one up for me to use as a pendant, although I know that all three destined to be worn as pendants. I'm going out for dinner tonight with a friend and I KNOW I'll be wearing one of these!
Sunday is Canada Day. I'm sure we will spend it geocaching.
To all my Canadian friends, have a super and safe holiday weekend!!!
Love that new bag! Maybe you should create some backdrops for your outdoor shots? Sort like when you get your picture made at the mall LOL
I saw those little flowers on her blog and I agree they are wonderful.
So glad you like the posies! And nice job with the post title, LOL!
i think you are queen of stashbusting. cute bag, as always. and yes, great mail!
That is a great new bag. Now I'm thinking about those handles. Hmmmm.
Very nice swap.
I like that new bag!
Hmm, Felicia has a great idea to make a backdrop for your outdoor shots! I might have to try that myself actually:)
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