Here is how it works: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. Remember to leave a comment for them letting them know they have been tagged and to read your blog.
Now, get ready to be terribly bored.
1. I love scratch tickets. Blame it on my Mother. The most I've ever won is 20 dollars, but frequently one 3 dollar ticket entertains me for the entire evening. We live right across the street from a convenience store (way too convenient) so I have been known to run across the street many times in an evening trading in my winners. I always lose my money in the end, but it's fun.
In fact, yesterday I bought a Crossword ticket (I don't usually get these). I scratched the first letter and when I looked at the card I thought I was going to win big bucks!!
Notice the word halfway down on the left... FABRIC!!!!
It was a loser, not even 3 bucks, but for 5 minutes it was fun.
2. I played the flute BADLY in high school. I may have mentioned that before. The other night Joe and I were shopping and I saw a flute for sale. I was tempted and then I came to my senses. I don't have one musical bone in my body. I don't even really like listening to music but for 5 seconds when I saw the flute for sale I thought I needed it.
3. I'm a librarian and I love reading. I promote reading every single day to teens but I don't remember the last time I read a novel. In fact I do, but it's embarassing. I bet the last novel I read was last summer at the cottage. That is disgusting. I'm going camping this weekend and I was going to bring some embroidery to work on. I think I should bring a book instead.
4. I LOVE diet coke. LOVE it. LOVE it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and in the middle of the night if I can't sleep. Sad, but true. I'm not proud of it, you probably think it's gross. But I LOVE it!!!!
5. My favourite movie is Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth. Hmm..I think it's time to watch it again.
6. I love sewing and being crafty but I HATE projects that extend past an evening or two. I started rippled afghan and it is staring at me right now, MAYBE 1/4 done. Now my excuse is that it's too hot to work on. That's just an excuse. Since I've started making it I can't tell you how many beautiful rippled afghans I've seen while thrifting for less than $5.00. I'm sure I have $100.00 invested in merino yarn for this afghan that would be sold for $3.99 at VV if I were to donate it.
It's stupid.
7. If I win the lottery I'm moving to a log cabin in the middle of nowhere (as long as I can get high-speed Internet). I am NOT a city girl. I would be very very happy living in a little cabin on the shore of a pretty little lake. You have NO IDEA how much I would love that.
Ok, now's the part I hate. Tagging others. I'm going to tag Lera, Cici and Debbie. So many people that I would have tagged have already done it. If you haven't done it and want to, consider yourself tagged by me!!!
I've been tagged for this ages ago (pre-road trip) and haven't done it yet... oops!
IF there weren't all these many miles between us, I'd be over in a heartbeat to watch Colin Firth with you. And this time, I'd bring a project to work on (I've learned my lesson!). :)
i looooooooove scratch tickets too. Except I hate cashing them in. It's just something about the scratching. One time I won $80 on a Bingo one. That's my favorite.
And I saw this thing on t.v. the other night about lottery winners and one girl one $1 million on a scratcher. Sooo jealous!
Colin Firth...yum
When I started doing a lot more crafting I found it was seriously cutting into my reading time. I solved this problem with audio books. Sacrilege, I know, but I simple had to fit in both. Now I listen to books booth in my studio and in the car.
Oh my!!!! I guess I will have to come up with some random things about myself. Hmmm....
I love reading these (although I am pretty glad that I have escaped being tagged since I am pretty sure I couldn't come up with 7 things...).
I played the flute too and I still have mine. Although I never play it now, and the one time I got it out my husband laughed at me:)
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