Anyways, on Saturday we went geocaching with friends, camera in tow. I found these yummy looking berries at the side of the path.
We were at one cache and suddenly I couldn't see the dogs. Our dogs are seldom leashed when we go out (unless they have to be). There was a small stream that ran alongside the path. My dogs are NUTS for water and swimming. I looked over the 6 foot riverbank and saw this.
They were happily frolicking in the water. Not a care in the world. I was jealous.
The Use What You Have Challenge is in full swing, but it's NOT too late to join!!! So for those people (you know who you are Lera) who said they were "in" and have yet to sign up it's not too late to do so.
The challenge continues until the end of July so if you're nuts like Katie and I, then join in the fun. I should also mention that it's not limited to fabric. If you are a beader, scrapbooker, whatever and have a huge stash to be used feel free to sign up!
Speaking of stash are my latest totes.
This one is made from a thrifted sheet and a panel from a thrifted tablecloth.
This one is made again from thrifted fabric. It's not really as crooked as it looks in the photo.
My fabric pile STILL doesn't look any smaller than it did when the challenge started!!! Sad.
I hate titles too! I don't know how people come up with good ones all the time.
And my stash does not look any smaller either. I think I need to start attending a support group.
Love the totes, as always!
the one with the panel is just gorgeous! i mean, they are alllovely - but that one is gorgeous!
LOL Ok, I finally found something we DON'T have in common. I LOVE making up blog post titles. They sort of just come to me at in a flash and I usually smile at my own whittiness. Probably I'm the only one who thinks is funny though :)
I know your heart must have skipped a beat when you couldn't see those dogs. My heart does everytime! And my puppies love the water too :)
Your bags are brilliant, as usual! Lera, this is me officially calling you out. Come on over and join us in The Challenge.
I know what you mean - I keep thinking,"When is this going to look smaller? I am sewing like crazy!" Maybe we should extend to the end of the summer. But I don't think I'd be able too hold out that long - it's hard enough as it is!
How about "Berries, Dogs and Totes - Oh My!" Ok, maybe leave off the Oh My :-) Seriously, though, you can't go wrong with threes. Just pick three things that are in your post, and you've got a title!
Okay, y'all. Don't you realize I have six kids at home ALL day long now?? I'm a little busy right now. Okay. Right after this post, I'm heading over to join the challenge. And, by the way, I've already made 2 things (at least) using what I have. So ... Hmpf!
(Of course I love you all. I wouldn't be so snappy if I didn't.)
LOL!! too funny! My blog post for today starts off with me whining about how I couldn't think of a title for my blog entry!
Love the totes--especially that one with the cherries--scrumptious!
Smiles, Karen
You're bags are gorgeous!
And you've persuaded me to join the "Use What You Have Challenge". You and my husband. I guess he hadn't noticed my fabric stash until a few days ago. His comment: "Um, shouldn't you be USING some of that fabric?". Well yes. Yes I should. :)
Super new bags...I love reusing old items and turning them into something new! Love the romping dogs & strawberries--Happy Summer Days! :o)
I hate coming up with titles for each post too! (In fact I think we may have discussed this once before...)
Your dogs look like they had an absolute blast! What cuties:)
I really need to get going on my stashbusting! Maybe I will work on some today! (let's hope...)
Have you thought about making something bigger? Like full aprons or baby blankets? Or put some ruffles or tucks in your bags - they take a bunch more fabric, and are fun, too! Just my 2 cents on helping your stash reduction. :o)
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