I have no idea what I'm going to do with it (certainly not use it as a tea towel). I really love the images on it I may trace them for embroidery, who knows.
Now, in defence of my second purchase, I have had NO luck at all thrifting sheets/bedding lately. My eyes bugged out of my head when I saw this. I had to have it.
Thank you to my cat Jake who helped me with the photo shoot.
Now for the challenge.
After a flurry of e-mails between Katie and I, we have decided to pose a challenge to all our blogging friends. It's the "Use What You Have, Stash Buster, I Will Not Buy Anymore Fabric No Matter How Dirt Cheap It Is" Challenge.
Here are the "Rules."
1. You enter buy joining our group on flickr. You can post your projects there as you finish them. This will be the "official" sign up place.
2. The challenge will last until the end of July.
3. You should try not to buy any new fabric. Necessary sewing supplies, such as thread and interfacing are allowed.
4. All types of sewing projects are welcomed, so enter anything that you've created using your stash.
5. There will be a prize given at the end from things Katie and I have made. Each time you enter a project, your name will be added to the pot. So, if you show us 20 projects, that's 20 entries for you to win something fabulous from us!
6. Feel free to post about this challenge on your blog.
If someone is smart enough and willing to make an icon for us, please let Katie know. It would be greatly appreciated!
In advance I'd like to thank Katie for her help in organizing and making this happen. She has been the brains of the operation, that's for sure!!! Why do I feel like I'm making an Academy Award speech?? he he he
My only regret is that I didn't buy any Katie Jump Rope fabric before this stupid challenge started. Whose idea was this anyways????? :)
Good luck everyone!! I can't wait until the projects start appearing on Flickr!!!!!!
Oooh, a great idea! With the new house, I'll be so broke I won't be able to afford any new fabric. But I can't just stop crafting. You can bet I'll be joining in on the fun.
Does that mean no fabric at all? None? As in nada? Huh...this is a challenge! Good thing you grabed that tea towel! Hey, do tea towels count?
Janet Evanovich has nearly made me wet myself on several occations. Its some of the funniest writing ever. And they only get better and better so you've got lots to enjoy!
This sounds like a great idea! Lucky for me my Katie Jump Rope just arrived a couple of days ago! So, I have a craft show coming up in July and I will HAVE to buy some fabric for it. Does it count if I just don't buy anything for myself?
count me OUT. yep. its my bday soon and i want (much to dh's confusion) fabric. unless that doesn't count.
Gosh you're fast getting your projects up! I better get to sewing!
Yay we have some members!!
Oh I am so glad you decided to start this! I am definitely going to join in:)
That tea towel is amazing! I don't think anyone could have passed that one by.
what a lovely idea! i'm busting my stashes right now too - joined the ONGOING OFFER WHAT YOU HAVE swap on craftster, and i'm using up a lot of my small remnants of yarn to make flower scarves for my etsy shop. i'm working on a yellow/orange/purple one right now!
i just spent 24$ on fabric today... but i'm going to make my first real quilt, so i'm justified in that. and fabricland is having their 50 % off + for members sale, so i saved a bit of money. sort of. i got 8 metres of red and turquoise fabric for the quilt, so i'm excited!
Are you taking international entries? Does refashioning clothing count as a project?
Love that tea towel. It would make great embroidery, applique or freezer stencil (?) maybe.
I cannot promise that I will not buy anymore fabric. I cannot. But I think I'll join in on the fun.
Hi again. I just wanted to say that i love your header image - red, turquoise, and white. My favourite colour combination at the moment!
Love the teatowel. I got a linen teatowel at the VV in Burnaby, and used it to cover up a yucky design on a . I really like the pattern on yours and am having tea towel envy now!
Okay, I officially joined (sniff, sniff). I'll be okay. I had to do it. I needed to do it.
I found out about this not too long ago, and I would love to be in this challenge too.
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