The very first tags I ever made were using this Craftster tutorial. The tutorial suggests ironing the transfers onto ribbon. I used these tags for a long time but I didn't like the satin ribbon. I also had it in my mind that the background of the iron-on transfers was white, limiting what I could iron it on.
I did a little surfing today (still trying to find the perfect tag) and I finally decided to check if the background of the transfers I was using was white or clear.
The background of the iron-on transfer is clear. I could iron the transfer onto anything. I feel dumb now. All my hunting for the perfect tag and I almost had it on my first try. What I was unhappy with in the first place was the ribbon I was using, NOT the transfer. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
well, at least you solved your problem and prevented all of us from making the same mistakes!! :-) thank you (if it helps).
The tag looks absolutely great!
Can you tell me what kind these are or point me to a place that will give me all the info to make these?
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