Monday, January 15, 2007

Winter has arrived!!!

I hate winter. Period. But the thing I hate most about winter is ICE!! Why?? I'm clumsy. On a beautiful Spring day, almost three years ago, I tumbled on my way out of the hairdresser's. I shattered my elbow and broke my arm in 4 places. Needless to day, I'm always extremely careful now when walking. I'm terrified of falling again and if there's a patch of ice, I'll find it.

I snuck out of work a few minutes early today. We are right in the middle of a freezing rain storm here that started last night. I snapped a few pictures, although it doesn't begin to capture what's going on outside. Trees are down, power is out in places (not here), and the city is a mess!!

I'm happy to be inside where it's warm and dry and I have power so I can still sew!!


Anonymous said...

We've got ice way down here as well, today. All weekend it was cold and it felt really nice to just be inside and sew. I remember you mentioning your elbow before. Did it heal 100%?

Anonymous said...

Wow... thats amazing.

Anonymous said...

No wonder you can crank out all those cool bags and cards! There's some Borg implants in that elbow. I KNEW IT.

hee hee

The snow is coming down now. To make a nice cover for that ice. Stay where you are and don't move. It's safer that way.

The ice IS pretty though. Like the birdie house snapshot.